Regulatory Texts


Laws :

- Law 99-05 on guidance in higher education [Fr] / [Ar]

- Law 08-06 amending and supplementing Law 99-05 on guidance in higher education [Fr] / [Ar]


Orders in Council :

- Executive Decree 01-294 laying down the conditions for recruiting associate teachers + guests [Fr]

- Executive Decree 10-250 establishing the permanent researcher’s allowance  [Fr]

- Executive Decree 10-252 establishing the Academic Researcher Allowance [Fr] / [Ar]

- Executive Decree 10-253 fixing the amount of the emeritus allowance  [Fr]

- Executive Decree 05-15 instituting a bonus to encourage the management of doctoral theses [Fr]

- Executive Decree 08-238 amending Decree 92-22 establishing intersectoral commissions for the promotion of scientific research [Fr]

- Decree 92-22 establishing intersectoral commissions for the promotion of scientific research [Fr]


Orders :

- Order No. 704 of 16 June 2016, laying down the procedures and procedures for the organisation of international joint doctoral thesis [Fr] / [Ar]

- Inter-ministerial decree setting the number of senior positions for research teachers [Fr] / [Ar]

- Order No. 170 of 20.02.2018 laying down the modalities for the implementation of the provisions relating to University Empowerment  [Fr] / [Ar]

- Decree No. 1434 of 21 August 2019 empowering higher education institutions for the purpose of obtaining a doctoral degree and fixing the number of positions open for the 2019-2020 academic year  [Fr] / [Ar]

- Decree no. 872 of 01 October 2018 establishing research laboratories within certain higher education institutions   [Fr] / [Ar]

- Decree No. 586 of 21 June 2018 fixing the list of national scientific journals of category "C"  [Fr] / [Ar]


Flyers :

- Circular N°03 of 08 March 2018 Relative aux Conditions et aux Modalités de Soutenance d'une Thèse de Doctorat en Sciences [Fr]  / [Ar]

- Circulaire n°02 du 20.02.2018 relative à la procédure de recevabilité et de gestion des Projets de Recherche de Formation Universitaire (PRFU)  [Fr]  / [Ar]


Miscellaneous documents :

- Decision of 23 Moharram 1432 corresponding to 29 December 2010 listing the members of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research. [Fr]

Offres de Bourses

Offres de Bourse

Maison d'Entrepreneuriat

Maison d'Entrepreneuriat

Manifestations Scientifiques

Manifestations Scientifiques

Cellule Assurance Qualité

Cellule Assurance Qualité



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