COVID-19: Science, services et solidarité algériens dans la lutte contre la pandémie

COVID-19: Algerian Science, Services and Solidarity in Combating the Pandemic To be held Virtually on 16 May 2021

COVID-19 pandemic pushed Algerian scientists inside and outside the country to dissect the molecular basis of the virus to enable them to discover and develop new diagnosis, vaccine and treatment to eradicate the virus. Others worked hard to develop DZ-COVID19 platform to track, record and follow up infection cases around the country and the globe. In addition to that, Algerian doctors, nurses and health support services worked around the clock to care for infected patients across Algeria. They continue to be on the front line, putting their own health at risk by prioritizing their people and country’s interests.

Alongside these efforts, the Algerian society and communities came together to help. In the beginning of the pandemic and while the diagnostic kits were limited, Algerians abroad connected with hospitals and pharmaceutical companies around the globe and brought these kits and sent them to Algeria. Moreover, the Algerian societies inside and outside Algeria, donated food, money, clothes and supported those who lost their jobs and were in need.

In recognition of these feats, Science Day 2021 will be dedicated to highlight all these initiative as a gesture of thanks. As highlighted in the program separate talks are designated to give example of the Algerian Science, Services and Society solidarity during the COVID19 pandemic.

Plus d'informations :

دار المقاولاتية

دار المقاولاتية

التظاهرات العلمية

التظاهرات العلمية

خلية ضمان الجودة

خلية ضمان الجودة

وزارة التعليم العالي و البحث العلمي

وزارة التعليم العالي و البحث العلمي

المديرية العامة للبحث العلمي والتطوير التكنولوجي


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